Monday, December 3, 2007

Character Close-Up: Young Marian

Dear Diary,

Today I visited this awful place that I will never return to as long as I live. For my camp fire girl troop we have to get a certain number of points before we receive a community service patch. I am only 3 away! To get my three last points I had to take flowers to some nursing home in the city. I thought the only thrill on this trip was going to be the bus ride, but boy was I wrong. I brought a flower because you get an extra point. I thought I could just drop off the flowers when I got there and then leave, but the women at the front desk took me down to a room at the end of a creepy hallway. When the door cracked open the smell of rotten eggs and mints leaked into the hall. Eww. Then this scary woman grabbed my arm and pulled me inside. She kept asking me all these questions, but all I wanted to do was leave.

I finally ended up escaping from the room and got to come home. I hated that place. The women were all alone in rooms that looked like jail cells. I hope that I never find myself in that type of situation, it would be my greatest fear.

P.S. I found out that Jon told Linda that he thought I looked cute today at school!



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